- CBD, CENTRAL SQUARE, 3rd Floor, North Wing
- P O Box 601607
- Gaborone Botswana
- Tel: +267 390 6433
- Fax: +267 391 3423
- Email: directorcs@idmbls.com
IDM Sells Career Focused Programmes at the HRDC 2018 Skills Fair
The recent Botswana Human Resource Skills Fair and Career Clinics have given learners a great platform and appreciation of streams of courses offered at the Institute of Development Management (IDM).
Held under the theme ‘Gateway to diversifying Botswana's economy’, the Gaborone fair drew multitudes of applicants from all corners of Botswana who seek an opportunity for a tertiary life. This is one platform where all institutions cement their presence and go all out in drawing the attention of the judges and most importantly the applicants. This is the make or break platform for augmenting numbers for July intake. This is by far the biggest fair in the land in terms of total investment by exhibitors on state of the art exhibition stands.
IDM continued with its stalwart presence at the 9th episode of this annual event. Not only did IDM present an impeccable exhibition stand to impress the multitudes of applicants, the seamless admissions process and excellent customer service played a critical role in ensuring that the institute scooped second position. The stall was manned by both IDM staff and students from across the three main faculties of Public Health, Business Information and Resource Management and the Human Resource and Organisational Development.
Sean Lempadi, a first year Bachelor of Project Management student was ecstatic at the opportunity accorded to them to man the award winning stall. ‘Project management is a very critical field which Botswana is in dire need of for successful completion of projects. We are glad that IDM responded to this skills gap by developing this degree programme, the first of its kind in Botswana. It’s quiet a challenging but yet exciting field’, said Sean.
The Assistant Director-Academic and Learner Support Mr Elijah Moakofhi was overjoyed by the achievements of the team. ‘We managed to admit a sizable number of applicants at this year’s fair’, said Mr Moakofhi.
For his part, IDM Marketing and Communications Manager, Botswana Campus, Chris Moiketsi said IDM forms part of the social fabric of BLS community and the SADC region.
“Our product offering is tailor-made to suit the needs of our customers and clients, making us more relevant in our markets with a mixture of both franchised and indigenous programmes that have a global reach. From the twelve sectors prescribed by HRDC, IDM boast of programmes that cut across eight sectors of the economy, affirming the Institute as a pacesetter in the education industry. Additionally our quest to offer quality products and services prompted the Institute to be certified by the Botswana Bureau of Standards on ISO 90001: 2008 to augment the rigorous quality audits offered by both the Botswana Qualifications Authority and the Human Resource Development Council. IDM has been complying over the past nine years,” he said.
The institute also took the opportunity to promote its Executive courses that are offered under its Center for Continuing Professional Development (CCPD) faculty. The Center houses over sixty accredited short courses with durations ranging from 1 week to six months. Moreover, the Institute also offers part-time undergraduate and post-graduate programmes at its Gaborone and Francistown campuses.