- CBD, CENTRAL SQUARE, 3rd Floor, North Wing
- P O Box 601607
- Gaborone Botswana
- Tel: +267 390 6433
- Fax: +267 391 3423
- Email: directorcs@idmbls.com
Botswana Student and Community
Beyond the classroom environment, we prepare our students to be relevant in the communities and society at large. Our programs competencies are deliberately linked to industry specific needs, helping us to align to our national development plans. We provide a safe and structured industry placement experience and give students’ appropriate training to apply their theoretical knowledge into practice. This is done through our Corporate Social Responsibility, research and student exchange programs.
IDM has forged partnerships that benefit our student community. As part of promoting a culture of reading from elementary level, IDM has partnered with Gaborone Book Festival to support schools around the country during the World Read Aloud Day, where our students take a significant part in the process. This annual activity promotes cognitive skills in young children and has foundational impact in their learning, listening and reading skills.
While a significant amount of student learning occurs outside of the classroom, IDM Student Services Unit professionals help create and coordinate these out-of class experiences to contribute to the growth of our students. Students Services collects data which is evaluated, synthesized and placed into research and program development.
Investment in Students Services does provide value addition as it helps students reach their full potential. The belief about higher education for commitment to the development of a whole rounded graduate, and the professional values are derived from that commitment. Therefore, Student Services are based on the premise that a student is holistically prepared to fit well into their nations and worldwide job markets.