- CBD, CENTRAL SQUARE, 3rd Floor, North Wing
- P O Box 601607
- Gaborone Botswana
- Tel: +267 390 6433
- Fax: +267 391 3423
- Email: directorcs@idmbls.com
Environmental health is a multi-disciplinary science that unite the physical, natural, and health sciences in examining the effects of human activity on environment (physical, biological and chemical environment) as it impact on human health and ecosystem. Stresses created by human activity on physical, biological and chemical environment have always been, and continue to be an important determinant of ill-health and disability. Therefore, the study of Environmental Health is not limited to ecological considerations (i.e. understanding and preservation of air, water, and ,land quality) but has a much broader scope that extends to understanding and preventing detrimental effects of human activities on public health.
World Health Organization (WHO) constitution defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity (Ibrahim et al, 2007). Achievement and Maintenance of health requires the implementation of principle of Public Health which is the application of science and arts in the manipulation of environmental factors that influences health through organized community efforts (Ibrahim et al, 2007). Public health is about manipulation of environmental factors such as housing, income, employment, physical and psychological environments; the types of services a community have access to (e.g., hospitals, clinics, sanitation and water supply quantity and quality) and quality services to achieve desired results. These factors influence the degree of health, wellbeing and quality of life achievable by communities in a defined environment and these factors are referred to as 'determinants of health' (Elliott and Williams 2011). It is therefore imperative that to protect the environment (our surroundings) and ecosystem interactions there is a need to train and empower health personnel to be change agents in guiding men’s activities as they endeavour to develop.
Target Group
Aspiring Environmental Health Scientists or Health Inspectors.
Course Admission Requirements
The in GCE “O” Level, International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) / Swaziland General Certificate of Secondary Education (SGCSE) admissions: A minimum of six passes in the GCE “O” Level, SGCSE/ IGCSE obtained. these must include passes at C grade or better in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry or combined Sciences or Biology and Physics, or Physical Science and a pass in any other two subjects.