IDM has been accredited by Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) to provide training of Trainers (TOT) to trainers in various organisations / companies based on the national qualifications requirements set. This programme equips trainers without teaching experience and/or qualifications with skills to train personnel appropriately. A Unit Standard based teacher training programme has been developed to be implemented with provision for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Recognition of Recent Competencies (RCC). That is, for those who have been training for some time and have attained certain skills, IDM in collaboration with BQA would use their discretion; depending on the skills of the trainees to decide on the duration of the programme. This course is aimed at equipping those interested in being trainers with the requisite skills to carry out training in an effective manner.

 Learning Outcomes

Cluster 1 - Lesson Planning and facilitation of training session

  • Determine training methods and techniques
  • Produce a lesson plan
  • Develop learning materials
  • Facilitate the lesson
  • Evaluate training sessions

Cluster 2 - Assessment

  • Produce assessment tools
  • Assess candidates against standards

Cluster 3 - Key Skills to consider for the trainers course

  • Demonstrate time management in the workplace
  • Word process simple document
  • Exchange information using electronic mail
  • Search for information using web.
Mode of Study: 
Full Time
Part Time
Botswana Campus
Course Duration: 
2 Weeks