Emergency Medical Care is an inter-disciplinary specialty, one which is interdependent with all other clinical disciplines. The overarching aim of the Emergency Medicine Care programme is to improve the safety and quality of care in the prehospital care environment in Lesotho as well as reduce waiting times for patients in Emergency Departments or Casualty Departments throughout the country.
Emergency Medical Care is a relatively new academic and professional discipline in Lesotho. As the medical field is an ever growing field, and emergency medical care is rapidly progressing globally, there is a need to introduce the training programme in Lesotho using an evidence based approach. A dedicated Emergency Medical Care Service will be the key factor in developing a national skilled emergency medical care workforce.
COSC/LGSCE with 5 passes including Science, Mathematics, English passed at a D level or better.

  • Candidate must attend and pass the physical fitness assessment as a set out by the institute.
  • Structured personal interviews
  • A phobias evaluation.
  • Medical Examination.
  • Minimum age of 17 years.

Mature Entry Requirements: Candidates should be 25-years or above with 3 years’ relevant work experience. (Recognition of prior learning)
This Course is Offered at Lesotho Campus

Mode of Study: 
Full Time
Public Health Management
Course Modules: 
Year 1 Semester 1 1. Fundamentals of Emergency Care 2. Clinical Practice 3. Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 4. Communication and study skills 5. Basic computer skills 6. Health Law and Ethics Year 1 Semester 2 1. Fundamentals of Emergency