- CBD, CENTRAL SQUARE, 3rd Floor, North Wing
- P O Box 601607
- Gaborone Botswana
- Tel: +267 390 6433
- Fax: +267 391 3423
- Email: directorcs@idmbls.com
Breast and Prostate Cancer Celebration Day Event
The month of October is general marked as a Cancer Awareness Month. IDM embarked on an advocacy activity that aimed at sensitizing the public about dangers associated with the spread of the disease. Guests from the Ministry of HEALTH, EGPAF as well as the office of THE FIRST LADY were available to shed advice of preventable measures that one may take to avoid the disease.
Further more, Mme Maatang Chaka, Speaking as a Breast Cancer Survivor, mentioned that it has been challenging living with the disease but the support she received from her family gave her strength to keep fighting on. “Things became so bad that I even got fired from work as I was deemed unfit to work,” she reiterated. She also mentioned that there is need to council people who are diagnosed the disease as it can become they also endure emotional torture. Moreover, she highlighted that there is need to enact LAWS that protect people having illnesses such as hers so that employers do not fire them on the spot but rather support and encourage them as it is a time when they need assistance the most.
Mr Ntaeboso Phenduka(CD) thanked the Marketing and Student Welfare offices for successfully organizing the event.
He mentioned that IDM must be perceived to the public as an institute of integrity that cares for the community and has interests at heart that support similar initiatives as by so doing, the brand will be seen as hub for personal growth and development, which it actually is hence the positioning mission statement “growing great minds”.
He further emphasized to students to take home information learned at the event and further share it with their own communities because the awareness ought to be spread out everywhere.
Furthermore, IDM in Partnership with EGPAF has made available a full time campus clinic whereby whoever wishes to be checked for the disease to do so at their own convenience.